Lockdown Art Summer 2020

CPRA Next Generation Lockdown Art Exhibition Summer 2020

We are delighted to present art produced by our local young artists that has been completed during the “Lockdown”.

Thank you to all of the artists “in residence”; we have really enjoyed your submissions and are proud to share your achievements with the local community.

I am sure you will agree that the collection is made up of a wide variety of work that shows excellent use of colour, observational skills and creativity.  The “Lockdown” exhibition includes art inspired by famous artists, designers, video games, pets and the world around us.

We have shared the idea with Westminster Park Residents Association who are also requesting submissions from young artists. In addition, there is interest from CRAG (Chester Residents’ Association Group).

There is the possibility that we may be offered a Pop Up in the centre of Chester to exhibit the “Next Generation Lockdown Exhibition”; so; it looks as though we have started something very exciting!  Look out for future emails with more news about this opportunity.

If there are any more submissions, we are very happy to receive them and they will be exhibited in the next newsletter. (Please complete the entry form attached to the email sent 25th June.)

Millie Cat by Amy Hunt age 11

Millie Cat by Amy Hunt age 11

Starry Night by Meredith Burton aged 8

Sunflowers by Meredith Burton aged 8

Fortnight by Archie aged 10

Footprints of Bright Beginnings and Outlook by Aydan de Mel age 2 years 9 months

Lockdown Memories by Éloise Hesbert age 6

The Forest in Devon by Eve Morgetroyd age 8

The Shark by Daniel Morgetroyd age 6

Fashion Through the Ages by Isla Sawle age 7

Self-portrait in Lockdown by Arabella Kendall aged 11

Wonderful World by Toby Ashton Aged 9
